an unproductive day…

Pain does not lead to getting things done. I always feel as if I’m stating the obvious when I say this, but…so many people who don’t deal with chronic pain or illness simply forget, and I do think it’s understandable — I used to be that way before my illness myself. Not out of cruelty or intentional flippancy or anything of the like, but because when you’re not in pain, you don’t think about it. That’s just the way brains are wired to work…if they weren’t, the population would surely be much, much smaller than it currently is 😛 Still, it galls me to be awake, but too fuddled with pain and brainfog to be able to do anything of real consequence…as if there were some magic button I could switch on or off, or if I could schedule when pain will or won’t lay me low for a day…if only, if only…