fuck your therapy; provide me a non-toxic environment instead.

therapy, much like mindfulness, mentorship, medication, and probably a slew of other things that don’t start with ‘m’, is not a fucking cure-all. also, it is not appropriate for ALL people. in can, in fact…make some people even sicker than when they started.

i know, i know — but if it helped you, it must surely help everyone else who isn’t the centre of the universe, right? and, and if someone doesn’t find themselves helped by something you personally found helpful…why, that’s besmirching your character, isn’t it?! obviously this person is just Not Trying Hard Enough, or some other flavour of Just Not Doing It Right. some people just don’t want to be mentally healthy. they want to be sad and ill. it’s so very disheartening, but you can sit here and feel superior to them, so it’s not all bad.

I don’t need to talk about how fucked up my life is; I need the finances to be able to change it. if you can’t provide the latter, the former ain’t gonna do shit. help me remove the poison from my life entirely or fuck off; I am tired of wasting time and energy on preventatives when I know what the cure is. deal with it.

some days I just fucking hate everything.

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