please enter undomiel’s passcode to read this private message:
[private] tired
please enter undomiel’s passcode to read this private message:
do it now!
It’s childish of me, but if someone keeps refreshing one of my cliques literally 20 times in an hour waiting for me to update it, I kind of feel like gritting my teeth and making them wait a week until I add them. It’s like the digital equivalent of being tailgated and slowing down in response.
I’d get it if I was using at automated joining system like for a fanlisting, but all my cliques are run entirely by hand — manually, if you will. I can’t just drop everything I’m doing and add someone the instant their application hits my inbox. Also, it makes sense to wait until a few application emails come through, and to do them all at once to save time and frustration.
(Also, it’s just a webclique application, not a call to 000. It’s just a fun little timewaster at the end of the day, your appearing on the members’ list is not remotely time-sensitive.)
Between layout thefts, resource misappropriation, non-linking, refusal to read rules, and this thing, I’m getting really, really sick of how entitled the majority of Neocities users are. Lain didn’t give up her physical presence for this shit.
(& yes, I’m super grumpy because this headache refuses to either go away or turn into a proper migraine, and has been doing so for the past 12 hours.)
well, that was…irritating.
fasl;kfjda FINALLY, uNU is back. Not that I have anything to say, except “argh I wish the nunames (or whoever) people wouldn’t waste mine AND my lovely hosting service’s time, and would send emails that should be sent”, but still.
Still waiting for a whole bunch of others to come back online, including the backend, but at least Wings and uNU are working. And of course TFL got on my ass less than 24 hours after the initial go-down, but who’s surprised there.
cherry picks
I’ve sat on this for the better part of a week now, waiting for my temper to cool so I could communicate more effectively, and also to see if my feelings changed at all. While the former has happened, the latter has not, so…onwards, I suppose.
I’m a little bit miffed with The Anime Fanlistings at the moment, to put it…delicately.
So, recently, one of my wishlisted fanlistings were open for application; naturally I applied. There were a few others that were recently closed that I applied for, as well — not particularly popular characters (does anyone care about Deed-chan? …well, they should, she’s badass :P), but I don’t apply for listings I don’t want. I wouldn’t find the drive to create them, otherwise.
When I got knocked back for the wishlisted one, plus another I was hoping so much to get, I was in a pretty bad headspace, so it was a blow, but I didn’t take it overly personally after the dust settled, and I had the unpopular characters approved (surprise surprise…) but I did say something half-jokingly in an aside on my microblog — I swear, if a staffer ends up with one of those listings I was knocked back for…
…turns out I can see the future.
I’m just…not horribly amused about it. Especially considering that said staffer runs the category the fanlisting is in. They also run a massive number of other incredibly popular character listings, as well, which…
Look, not to put too fine a point on it, that pisses me off. That’s unfair. That seems like favouritism in its most blatant sense. The network in general can go on and on about how of course there isn’t anything like that happening, but…really? Really? It’s mere chance that the staffer for that category runs the most popular fanlistings in said category? Over and over and over?
Pull the other one, it’s got bells on.
Like, I don’t think that staffers should be forced to give up all the FLs they already run when they become $CATEGORY_HERE staffers; that wouldn’t be fair. But I think if you’re the staffer…you shouldn’t be allowed to apply for more in the category you run. (If that even happens — I’ve heard some insiders tell me things that make me raise my eyebrows, and I know for all TFL’s prating that they don’t award FLs on a first-come-first-serve basis, “we hold all applications for at least a week!” — that’s an outright lie). They have an unfair advantage in spades right there.
Not wholly sure I had any grand point to make, nor do I think this will result in anything seeing as I have, like…three people who read this thing, and none of them are FL makers themselves, so. Just wanted to vent a bit, I guess. Some things have changed in the wake of Web 2.0, but the general attitude of the anime domain design community never will. If you’d have told my seventeen-year-old self I’d be ticked off with this sort of behaviour this far into the future, I don’t think she would have believed you.
These people are all the same age as I am, no less.
Hooray for the Wired, or something.
medical hiatus; mission critical
- Hoshi.Nu and all subsites, including Anthy & Sumeragi
- Kagerou and almost all fanlistings
- Digital Girl Designs
- September City (no1curr)
- Dreamer (no1curr2, Electric Boogaloo, also I fucking despise Neocities)
- Middle-earth.ORG and all fanlistings and sites under it, including Arwen, Elrond, and Frodo
- Wings itself, though the remodel will be very slow (now I’ve said that, watch me get it online in like, three days)
- SailorCrystal. though updates will be sparse
- Immortal, even though writing up all my research makes me cry ♥
- Aromatic, caffeineNATION, All The Girls, and Cliqued, seeing as they’re very easy to run
- possibly my pixel site, which is pending a rename and a remodel
Basically, everything that doesn’t spark enough joy currently will be put on hiatus (or closed). Quite obviously I’m immersing myself in all things Tolkien, seeing as I’m slowly finding delight in my Middle-earth again; one that I don’t have to share with lying fairweather ‘friends’. (No, I’m not sorry — if you want me to say nice things about you, ACT BETTER.)
Pretty sure today that the internet was a net, ha, loss for humanity, but what can you do.
well, still. pretty good year.
Birthday was a birthday. Most people, including one immediate blood relative, forgot it happened. Oh well. Those who did remember are my favourites. So there!
I got an Eevee, a sleeping Kirby, socks, and a gardening set. Good times! (No, not being sarcastic. It’s a lot more than I expected and I like all of it so much. ♥)
Trying to smush my writing and personal site together onto Neocities again, but I’m so mentally bombed out that inspiration’s lying thin on the ground at the moment. I’m so glad that this hit after clearing out my to-do list for the month, but it still sucks. I feel horrific and I can’t even distract myself with creation. Utter BS.
I sang of leaves, of leaves of gold, and leaves there grew…
I got approved for a fanlisting that I’ve been dying to run for literal decades…and one that will probably help in…putting some Stuff to bed, for good. Forever.
Maybe I’m not quite as Noldo as I first thought I was; I’d happily never see a star again if I could just go home right now.
at this point, geocities was honestly more tolerable.
the nerve of some people. so, someone on neocities (what a surprise!) was direct-linking to my header images for a couple of cliques i run. sigh, turn on direct-link protection. a little annoying, but no big deal, ultimately.
only to find that said person has now SAVED THE HEADERS and uploaded them to their own website, and has a disclaimer on their splash page that amounts to “lol, all the images on my site are hosted on imgur so feel free to steal them!”
excuse you?
seriously, i am this close — this. close. — to just, like…putting up a disclaimer on my site that says “if you have a neocities website, please get the hell off mine and stay ten gigabytes away from me at all times, and keep your grabby little paws to yourself”, because my stars, the entitled BS that most of its idiot users pull…
(which would be horribly unfair, because there are absolute gems in the mire and muck that is NC; they’re just largely quiet, keep to themselves, and are overlooked by the algorithm your average idiot nostalgian goes on and on and on about how they’re rejecting. but whenever i have a disagreement with someone about what they can and can’t do with content that isn’t theirs? it’s always sodding NEOCITIES.)
it’s nothing personal, babe
there’s always a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach when i have to reject someone for the aromatic clique lately. it’s like, okay, prepare for the argument about why $X_PERSON should be the only exception to the rules about accessibility and why they can read their site so surely everyone else has no trouble with it and just…i wanna hide. it’s not a personal thing. the rules are the rules and i can’t make exceptions for one person. it doesn’t mean i hate you or think you’re shit or whatever, i’m just sick of fucking squinting at my gigantic screen and i cannot be the only person. god help me if i was on laptop or mobile.
i just don’t wanna argue with anyone. i’m tired and i’m sad.
anyway i’m in a really bad way and won’t be surprised if i end up in the hospital tomorrow, but illness does this sometimes. i’m half-tempted to pack a bag tonight and that’ll take some of the stress off for tomorrow…but i’m exhausted at the moment so moving is difficult. (i just used up any energy i had trying to get a moth out of the room. partially worked.)
i think i’ll just return to ff6 and dragons of autumn twilight on audiobook for the time being. (i’m doing boring lore-finding for strago on the veldt; i don’t need the soundtrack for that lest i end up loathing the veldt theme forever.)
caps are for people who aren’t so exhausted they’d happily curl up on the nearest flat surface on any plane of existence if they were promised they’d get a solid 36 hours of sleep out of it.